Monday, July 13, 2009

Chapter 2 - Cyber Bullies

Here is Chapter 2.

After our friend setting up a new site for us, once again Ms. A hunted the web until she found us. She has constantly stalked and harassed us on the new forum and blog. We have been called liars, stalkers, and the funniest one of all, is that she likes to call US the bullies.

Ms. A does not work. She is in her late 20's and claims that she is disabled and therefore unable to work. She spends her time posting exceptionally nasty things, that are unfit for the eyes to see. The owner of the forum and blog, has set the site to private, where you must be a member to read or post anything. It has been left this way for weeks at a time. Just as soon as the site is opened back up to the public, Ms. A is there spouting off her filth once again. She constantly watches the site, just waiting for it to be set to public again, so that she can strike.

We have tried explaining to her over and over again that it is HER coming to where we post. It is HER hunting us down. BUT, in her small mind, WE are the ones stalking and harassing her.

Ms. A has a new friend, Ms. B. Ms. B has now started to post on the blog, acting like an uninterested party, defending Ms. A. Of course, since the owner of the site can track IP's, we know who is posting these things. Once again, it is pure trash and lies.

The owner of our site is married to a police officer. According to Ms. B, this officer is being investigated for interaction with a prostitute. However, no one, not even the officer knows anything about this. He is still working every day. He has not been put on any type of leave, which happens when they are being investigated for inappropriate actions.

According to Ms. B, I am a drug addict. My doctors in Canada have caught on to me trying to get drugs, so now I have to go to a doctor in Alabama to get my drugs. I have ONE doctor in Canada. He is the only one that writes my prescriptions and knows exactly what meds I am taking and why. I use one pharmacy. My pharmacist knows exactly what I take. They know that I never call them up and say, oh I lost my meds and need a new RX for some more. In over 5 years, I have NEVER had to have any medication refilled, until the time that it is due. I'm also curious as to how I am using a doctor in Huntsville, Alabama to get drugs, when I am in Canada??? I am in Alabama in the spring and in the winter to spend time with my children and grandchildren. However, the only time that I have had to see a doctor there, is when I've become ill, or had an accident which required medical attention.

These are only 2 instances of posts made my Ms. B. She has had such stories to tell about each of us that post on the site.

The funny thing is, that we have found out that Ms. B has quite a past. She has gone so far as to sue one of the governors of the State of Alabama. Her husband has been in jail for shooting up a car, or something to that affect. None of her children have graduated from high school.....they are all drop-outs. One of her daughters married at a very young age, because she was pregnant. Everyone that knows Ms. B and her family, have told us that they have some mental problems. Ms. B has run for several political offices in her area.......but never even come close to being elected. It seems that she will do most anything to get attention.

If anyone out there is having the same problems as we are....please know that you are not alone. Unfortunately, there are some very sick people in this world. We have all come to the conclusion that these people become cyber bullies, because their lives are lacking something very important. They are doing this to people, simply to get attention.......even it if is negative attention. They have nothing in their lives to be proud of and are jealous of those of us that are lucky enough to have wonderful families and happy lives. We can only hope that someday, something will happen to give them a true purpose and that when this happens, they will cease to become cyber bullies.


  1. I find it hard to believe that anyone who knows you would believe all the lies that Mrs A and Mrs B have spread about you. Very nice article.

  2. Thank you, Suzanne. It's amazing what people will come up with just to get attention.

  3. The best advise I could give would be to just make like she is not there and she will go away dont answer her post she will soon go away.
